The Impact of Covid-19 will stay a bit longer

3 min readDec 19, 2020



As all of us know that 2020 did apply breaks in everybody's life in some sort of manner, still the best thing is that it is coming to an end.

But do you really think that everything is going to be the same as it was before the pandemic hit us?

Many would say YES but actually, physically people might return to their office and start working the usual 9 to 5 jobs. As the vaccines are being developed all over the World but the fear would constantly keep us bugging at the back of our heads of being Covid-19 positive.

Maybe WORK FROM HOME can be the solution to this problem to some extent.


Comfort Zone: People love to work in their comfort zone. This is also very important in today's competitive market so that the employees can deliver the best. The exception is that it won’t apply to fields or market which require physical presence or local traveling. People traveling can also be given some sort of relaxation but it depends on the market demand. As every organization wants to work after a long pause to compensate for the losses incurred due to the pandemic.


Microsoft Teams: This software has come as a blessing to all. People working from home have hugely benefitted from this. IT field was one of the industries that had less impact on the lockdown around the World. Though new projects were on hold, the workflow was mostly uninterrupted. Microsoft Teams is free and has all the features required to be connected with colleagues and get the work going. There are other software's too but this one is by far the most popular among all.


Health Issues: People are very much concerned about their health nowadays. Immunity was never taken seriously before now. Mostly health issues related to breathing are taken care of with priority. As we are still waiting for a vaccine with 100% accuracy having a health check is a good idea by then. Keeping a regular check on health status must be on everybody’s card now. Being physically healthy is also closely related to a person’s mental health. Only when a person is both physically and mentally fit can work at it’s best.

Long story short: As we can see a surge decline in the number of positive Covid-19 cases around the world, and many of the countries are opening their borders to welcome tourists and business. Still, It will be feasible to say that given an option anybody will choose to WORK FROM HOME until and unless a 100% working vaccine is out in the market.


Shivani Singh — (Founder- Canvas Bunny)

